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How To Detox Your Body With Tea

Those pesky toxins are getting into our bodies and making us feel cruddy all day! Unfortunately, few of us take the time to detox ourselves, sitting in years of built-up gunk and metals running wild around our bodies.

Detoxes have been given the image of taking up time and intruding on the daily schedules of our busy selves. However, we drink gallons of it every day and some of us swear by it, yet no one has taken the time to really understand the full power of this everyday substance. I’m talking about tea.

Let’s look at how to detox your body with tea.

Go Green

At one point or another, you’ve probably heard about the magical elixir that is green tea. Filled with endless anti-oxidants, vitamins, and general goodness, it has become a staple part of many gym-goers and health-conscious people’s diets.

Some of the features of Green tea include:
  • Helps burn fat: The anti-oxidant features of the tea help speed up your metabolic rate, resulting in energy being burned, even when not active.
  • Improves immunity: Fights against flu and colds.
  • Super medicine: There have been reports that it can prevent and guard against certain cancers, arthritis, and diabetes.
  • Re-hydrates: Going against common beliefs that tea dehydrates you, green tea has been found to have similar re-hydration effects to our old friend H2O.
  • Neurological: Has been shown to prevent degenerative and neurological diseases such as Alzheimer’s.

This is only just a small list of the benefits green tea offers, but I’ll focus in on a super, duper food that harnesses 10 times the power of normal green tea.

Bring in Japanese Matcha Tea.

Drinking one cup of Matcha tea is equal to 10 cups of green tea, talk about nutritional overload!

Matcha tea is incredibly popular in Japan and is now becoming widely recognized throughout the world for its ability to aid in detox plans and regimes. Some of the key benefits of Matcha tea include:
  • Prevents cancer with its high levels of anti-oxidants named catechins, which seek out and find dangerous free radicals within your body.
  • Prevents heart disease by lowering LDL cholesterol, or the bad type.
  • Helps in burning fat by increasing thermogensis from 8 – 10% to 35 – 43%.
  • Contains 5 times more L-theanine, an amino acid which helps with neurological activities, than standard green tea.

Going green is good not just with your vegetables but also with your tea — the greener the better.


Detoxing your body with tea will always consist of 2 parts, the morning being the refresh and the evening being the colon cleanse (explained further in the next section). The refresh in the morning should focus on replacing the lost vitamins and electrolytes from the evening colon cleanse tea, and failing to do so will inhibit the full potential of a tea detox.

A refresh tea should contain a blend of ingredients that have high levels of anti-oxidants, vitamins, and general various other goodies. Matcha tea is a favorite of mine, generally being the key ingredient for my morning refresh tea. You should focus on adding other complimentary ingredients such as:
  • Acai Berry
  • Ginseng
  • Barley Grass
  • Spirulina (another super duper food)

At this point the flavor takes a tumble so don’t expect anything out of this world. However, if you need to add anything to change the flavor, I recommend adding any of these: stevia (natural sweetener), honey, mulberries, ginger powder, or lemon juice.

Colon Cleanse

It sounds pretty scary but for a full body tea detox it’s essential to rid yourself of the daily build up of toxins, metals, and gunk. Like the morning refresh, the colon cleanse tea should have a key ingredient: senna leaf, which will provide the laxative effect.

The FDA has given their consent for Senna to be used as a natural laxative, so no worries there.

Creating a blend is again vital for increasing the effectiveness of this tea, so I recommend adding some of these ingredients in with your senna leaf:

  • Dried orange peel
  • Dandelion plant
  • Nettle leaf
  • Lemon grass
  • Liquorice root

Not only do they all help to add flavor to the tea, they also increase the effects and benefits of the colon cleanse. Either adding fiber, nutrients, or vitamins, each ingredient should be considered a key part of the detox colon cleanse blend.


You know about the benefits and powers of tea for detox, so now you need to know how you can use it in your daily life style. You’ll find that it’s actually non-intrusive and super simple to do!

  • Morning

As soon as you get out of bed, boil water, add lemon slices or juice, and add ginger. This helps with waking up your organs and kick-starting your metabolism.

20 minutes thereafter, make your morning refresh tea, giving yourself the anti-oxidant, vitamin, and energy boost you need for the rest of the day.

  • Day

Throughout the day drink multiple cups of green tea, either normal green tea or a blend such as green tea with jasmine (3-6 cups as an example). White tea is also acceptable.

  • Night

To make your colon cleanse tea of choice, either buy a blend or create your own with the example ingredients I’ve mentioned above.

Follow this routine for 7, 14, or 28 days at a time and see the benefits that are presented to you. Remember that, like any other detox, it’s vital you change up your food plans and meals plans too. You can’t expect changes to take place without commitments elsewhere.
